World Premiere of FŁ4K and Pinokio Theatre in Łódź
The Return of Odysseus
dir. Tomasz Kaczorowski
Text: Stanisław Wyspiański
15 and 16 September, 18:00
Pinokio Theatre, address: Kopernika 16
The Return of Odysseus directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, is a performance that introduces the over a-hundred-year-old drama by Stanisław Wyspiański to our modern reality in a truly meaningful way. The text itself is like a treasury of the ever-recurring motifs of power and revolt that the director translates onto the scene, based on the current socio-political situation.
Odysseus comes back from conquered Troy as a refugee and finds the new order represented by the new generation. The Return of Odysseus gives voice primarily to those who oppose the patriarchal system and violent hierarchy. The story is about the refugee conflict and growing dissent among young people, including the director himself, from the current political events in Poland.
The performance is co-produced by Pinokio Theatre in Łódź and Łódź of Four Cultures Festival, and the idea itself was born as a part of the New Stage! theatre residency programme organised by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.
Author: Stanisław Wyspiański
Direction, text adaptation, musical arrangement, the concept of space: Tomasz Kaczorowski
Stage design, costumes, puppet: Justyna Bernadetta Banasiak
Composer of the Pieśni Syren: Miłosz Sienkiewicz
Małgorzata Krawczenko
Żaneta Małkowska
Natalia Wieciech
Łukasz Batko
Łukasz Bzura
Krzysztof Ciesielski
Piotr Osak
The performance uses strobe light.
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